Your career at PIN AG

We want you and your ideas. With your personality and your actions, you are welcome here.

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PIN AG Beutel du: gern gesehen an der Spree

Zukunftswerkstatt: Berufswahl leicht gemacht!

Eltern mit ausbildungsinteressierten Kindern aufgepasst:

Als Eltern spielt Ihr eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entscheidung für den richtigen Ausbildungsweg. Wir möchten Euch dabei unterstützen und unsere spannenden Ausbildungsgänge näherbringen.

Wann? Mittwoch, 29.01.2025, zwischen 17:00 - 19:00 Uhr

Wo? PIN AG, Alt-Moabit 91, 4. Obergeschoss, 10559 Berlin

Was Euch erwartet?

  • Einblicke in den Ausbildungsalltag

  • Kennenlernen der Ausbildungsleitung

  • Aussichten zu Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten

  • Erfolgsgeschichten von ehemaligen Azubis

  • Interaktive Stationen zum Ausprobieren

Eure Fragen, unsere Antworten – in entspannter Atmosphäre.

Wir freuen uns darauf, Euch und ggf. Eure Kinder auf eine spannende Reise in die Welt der PIN AG mitzunehmen!

Jetzt anmelden
PIN AG Mitarbeiter Umarmung

Who we are:

PIN AG introduces itself

Before you start with us, you will, of course, want to know who we are and get to know us: PIN AG is one of the largest private logistics and communications service providers in Germany. Our core business consists of the daily processing of up to 750,000 items and their delivery to the recipients. Our range of services also include process handling, data flow logistics, electronic communication and mailroom management. Behind all of this is a sophisticated logistics system and numerous people who show their full commitment and passion every day.

As an employer, we rely on your personality, your actions and your ideas. With us, you will have plenty of creative opportunities in a highly relevant and dynamic environment. Because we can only develop further with your visibility and impact. We offer you an appreciative working environment with the highest level of flexibility so that you can contribute independently and responsibly. No matter where you stand – we are happy to see you as you are.

We sent out our first letter on August 17, 1999. Discover how it all began: our story.

Where do you want to join us?

Apprenticeship at PIN

Find all the information you need about apprenticeships in courier, express and postal services and office management here.

find out more here
PIN Team - Hände zusammenführen

PIN as an employee

We offer you an appreciative working environment with the highest level of flexibility. Your actions and your ideas are what drive us.

Learn all about us
PIN Begrüßung an der Tür

PIN AG in numbers

  • PIN Mitarbeiter-Meeting in der Sortierung

    1,300 employees

    The biggest part, almost 950 colleagues, work in logistics delivery, followed by sorting (over 200) and head office (more than 150).

  • Karte mit PIN Depots

    20 locations

    With our logistical depots, our sorting center and our head office, we are at home in over 20 locations.

  • PIN grüner Brief mit vielen anderen Briefen

    750,000 shipments daily

    In our sorting center, up to 750,000 items, for example letters and parcels, are processed daily in shifts for logistical delivery.

  • Weltkugel

    In three days around the world

    Statistically speaking, our delivery staff cycle around the world in three days.

  • PIN Mitarbeiter der Zustellung

    60 nations

    PIN AG is internationally positioned. In our great team, you will meet people from more than 60 nations.

  • PIN Handy du: gern gesehen

    40 benefits offered

    Start your career with us, it's worth it: 40 benefits are waiting for you. Because we welcome your interests and wishes.

  • PIN Zustellrad

    940 Bicycles & Co.

    We connect people in delivery with over 940 vehicles. More than 870 of them are bicycles. We also use e-bikes, trikes, scooters and Paxsters.

  • PIN Logistik LKW mit Fahrer

    40 transporters on the road

    Larger deliveries and parcels require larger vehicles: Our fleet includes more than 30 Sprinters and 10 trucks.

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